mercredi 30 mai 2007


Wish I had more time to keep this up to date....! Spent the weekend helping out at Peter's -the house is really coming on leaps and bounds - I'll put some pictures up when I get a spare moment...

samedi 19 mai 2007

Nice jugs

Woken yesterday morning (at 8am!) by crowd of placard weilding adolescents (30?) protesting in the street below for some reason I couldn't ascertain. A common thing in France, it doesn't happen a great deal in Britain (resignation? lack of interest in politics?)...

vendredi 18 mai 2007

mardi 8 mai 2007

Life Drawing 02

This is the same thing but using flickr - is there any difference in the speed of the slideshow? (click on photo)

Life Drawing

Click for diaporama/slideshow
Getting the hang of this...! (using picasa)


Click on photo
Not bad Picasa! Here are the results of my first fumbling dabblings...

lundi 7 mai 2007


Yesterday's evening stroll to the Bastille spoilt somewhat by clouds of tear gas

dimanche 6 mai 2007

Parc de la Courneuve

Covered quite a few kilometres on the bike today. Only problem - have a face the colour of beetroot having omitted to apply suncream before setting out...

Aux urnes!

Of course, I don't have the right to vote but it doesn't stop me taking an interest...
Click on photo for slideshow

samedi 5 mai 2007

Weak ending

Went for a swim

vendredi 4 mai 2007

Au plus bas

Celui-là, au moins, n'a rien à perdre sous Sarkozy

mardi 1 mai 2007

Up the Arsenal!

Exhibition at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal of entries to a student design competition on the subject of new housing typologies entitled "habiter paris" - ok. ....great to find the vending machine back in working order


Laid-in. Tidied up flat. Grand café crème at the brasserie on Place Voltaire and read the Courrier International for an hour or two (my new fad) and watched the crowds becoming demonstrable...


Sunday evening, Philippe, my neighbour, suggested a bite to eat. Formula at 11.50euros (entrée, plat, dessert). Had to move inside from the terrace pretty sharpish...!

Château d'eau

Used to work round here. Always particularly seething on a Saturday when the hair salons do most of their business.